Saturday, February 2, 2013

We Got a Cat!!

For anyone that knows me at all, I am 100% obsessed with cats.  So I am absolutely overjoyed to be exclaiming to you all that after two and a half years of moving around, we have FINALLY become settled (enough) to be cat owners!!  Just today we renewed our lease for another year in Illinois, hoping and praying that Andee will be able to complete all his clinical rotations here, as well as the possibility of residency!  So with the exciting possibility of remaining in Illinois for at least another 14 months, and possibly another 3 years after that, we decided to take the plunge into owning a little kitty!  And a cute little kitty he is!!  We named him Aloe, because he is chill, gentle, cool, and nice!  He is puuuuuurfect - a tabby/bengal mix who is very affectionate, and the most beautiful spotted and striped coat and golden eyes!!  A bengal mix, you know, the domestic kitties known for their leopard-like coat?  Amazing!!  We adopted him from an overburdened shelter and it was love at first sight!!  He was a little tentative the first night, meowing like crazy and scratching on the doors, but by the very next day he was rubbing up to us wanting pets and genuinely showing us love!  Which, if you have met my Parent's cat Mr. Purr, you know that is something I am not used to!  Aloe is very playful and loves to play "fishing" with Andee, a mouse toy tied to the end of a fishing rod!  He loves to be in the same room as us, and has the cutest little "mews" and squeaks, can't make much of a meow sound!  He is the cutest little thing ever, and Andee and I are soooo happy we took him home with us!!  Enjoy too many pictures of my little sweetie!!!

Oh, so I guess some other stuff happened this week too.  Haha, just kidding.  On Thursday the Staff at Harvest had a surprise going away party for Larry, who is stepping down from his position to Pastor at a neighboring church - exciting!  Larry is one of the staff members who helped to solidify my volunteer position at the church, and so I am very thankful to him for that!!  Delicious food and amazing people!  It was a lot of fun!!

We have been spending so much time with our new little kitty that this is about the only news we have to report to you all!  It has also been too cold and snowy to do anything else!  I will try not to be the crazy cat lady I am deep down inside and limit the amount of cat photos I share, but let's get real, I'm not really going to try that hard.  Enjoy the pictures!! 



  1. Love the cat Pictures...Mr Purr and I viewed them together this morning...Stay warm in the windy city!

  2. Hi Diana

    The last picture on your blog is adoreable!!!! You guys look like "BFF's"

    To you in the "Windy city"....

    :Stay warm my friend"

    To Aloe.....

    "Stay purring my friend"

    Love Mom
