Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Merry Christmas! The Luke Family 2017 Recap!

2017 has certainly been a year to remember!  Endings that created new beginnings.  That would be the summary of this year for us.  We celebrated these endings and beginnings, but in some areas they were bittersweet.  Change has never been easy for me, but these necessary changes have blessed us so much this year, and we know that we are loved and cared for by our Creator that has good and fruitful plans for us.  We have so much to celebrate and be thankful for this year!
The beginning of the year marked the ending of a dream, and the beginning of another.  Andee and I had always planned on returning to Canada after he completed his training in the US.  But God had other plans.  Letting go of the return to Canada (at least for now) was an incredibly difficult process, but we knew it was going to be a part of our story for Andee to take a job here and remain in Iowa.  A healthy combination of sadness and hopefulness accompanied this decision, but we are confident in it and love our lives here in Iowa! 

This veer from the plan sparked an array of new and beautiful beginnings!  We started the hunt for a house in mid-January, and put an offer in on our dream home in February.  Our offer was accepted, and we moved in at the end of March.  It is so far beyond what we ever expected, and is absolutely perfect for us.  Equipped with bedrooms for family and friends to come and stay, we were thrilled with our new home!  But two people living in a big house - what were we to do with all the extra room?

Right on (God’s) schedule, Andee and I found out in late February that we were pregnant!  This marked the end of my hesitation and the beginning of a long road in trusting God with us and our new addition.  We were so excited to begin this new chapter of our lives as we began the journey to starting a family!  Little Baby Luke would be due in November of 2017, and we were anxiously awaiting his arrival!
In the midst of the joy of pregnancy came the realization that some necessary endings would have to take place to make space in our lives for our new addition.  I have always wanted to stay at home with our babies, and so I decided to quit my job at the church to make this dream a reality.  I absolutely loved working at Prairie Lakes Church, and so I did not take this decision lightly.  I did, however, receive so much love and support from my coworkers in making this decision, and am confident it was the right one.

Another necessary ending, this one without even a tinge of sadness, was Andee’s graduation from Residency!  After 7 long years of Medical training abroad, this graduation was a culmination of all the hard work, countless moves, endless paperwork, lots of curve balls, and God’s ever prominent hand in our lives as we put to rest this phase of our lives and looked forward to the prospect of Andee starting his full time employment as a Family Medicine Physician!  Needless to say, we were thrilled to have this process finally in our rear view mirror, but are forever grateful for the impact that this journey has had on our relationship with each other, our ability to persevere, and our level of trust and hope in our good God who orchestrated it all!  We are better people having been through this!

And now for the biggest news of all!  On November 7th, 2017, we welcomed Aaron James Luke, 6 lbs 4oz, 18.5 inches, into our lives!  Words cannot describe the feeling of hearing his first cry, holding him for the first time, and the rollercoaster of emotions that follow in the lives of a new parent.  This new beginning is by far the most beautiful, challenging, life-changing milestone that we have experienced thus far in our lives.  God has blessed us with the privilege and responsibility of raising His child to know and love Him.  And that is what we shall do!

As we look back at all that we experienced in 2017, we also look forward to what 2018 has in store for our growing family!  We love all of you reading this, and we hope that you will continue to experience life with us in 2018!

Merry Christmas from the Luke Family – Andee, Diana, Aaron & Vera

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Newborn Photo Shoots

Of course you didn't think we would have a beautiful baby boy and not take adorable photos of him!  Our friend Molly and my favourite sister Cassie took some adorable photos of our little family!  We definitely have the cutest baby in the whole wide world.  And I'm not even biased!  Okay, maybe just a little.  Many of these photos were captured amidst some serious screams, and yet he still looks pretty darn adorable!

For your viewing pleasure, our newborn photo shoots!

Molly's Photo Shoot

 Cassie's Photo Shoot

Aaron James Luke

Oh, my heart.

November 7th, 2017; 8:00 a.m.  One day before my scheduled c-section for medical reasons.  My water breaks.  And then my contractions start.  Andee tells me I have 10 minutes to get ready and out the door - we were heading to the hospital.  Naturally, I curled my hair.  Because that was a good use of 10 minutes.  In the time it took to get to the hospital (10 minutes), my contractions had become very close together; in fact, they were less than five minutes apart.  I was progressing quickly.  The contractions were exactly what I was expecting.  Andee watched the monitor and let me know when they would stop.  Epidural.  Surgery.  Andee by my side. 

Oh, my heart.

And then....Baby.  My baby.  Our baby.  He came into the world with a soft cry that obliterated my heart into a million pieces.  He was healthy and just the perfect size.  He had perfect features and tiny little limbs like his Momma.  And he was mine.  I stared at him for 3 days at the hospital.  The surgery was rough and I couldn't pick him up on my own for a couple weeks.  But when Andee would hand him to me I was holing onto a little miracle that God knit together inside of me.  I barely noticed the lack of sleep because I was so in love with my perfect little boy.

Oh, my heart.

And then, a couple weeks went by.  I wasn't recovering well from surgery and everything hurt.  The lack of sleep caught up with both Andee and I, and Aaron started showing signs of colic.  Which means he cries.  All. The. Time.  And with gusto.  Arched back, red face, screams, and my little boy experiencing such discomfort that it makes my heart hurt.  And my ears.  And my everything.  I started crying constantly alongside my baby, sure that I was unfit to be his mother if I couldn't even soothe him.  I should be able to do this.  I'm his mother - why can't I give him what he needs?

Oh, my heart.

And it has improved.  I'm still in pain and am starting physical therapy.  He still cries.  All. The. Time.  But he sleeps better at night.  And I've amped up my arsenal of soothing techniques.  And I've talked with other moms that assure me that this is normal, and that I will eventually sleep again.  And I will have less pain.  And that it's okay to be overwhelmed.  And when family came to visit, we were supported and helped through this difficult phase.

Oh, my heart.

But today.  Today I get it.  For the first time today my baby smiled at me.  And not the reflex smiles that happen in their sleep.  But a real, genuine, smile.  He looked directly into my eyes, held my gaze, and smiled back at my own smiling face as I told him how much I loved him.  And I know that this is just a phase.  And I know that it's worth it.  And that my baby won't be a baby forever.  And that he will become more and more interactive and will develop a personality of his own.  And that I am so looking forward to my baby growing up, while at the same time wanting time to slow down as he outgrows his tiny little sleepers.

Oh, my heart.

And I still feel like a failure some of the time.  And I'm still exhausted and hurting.  And I wear noise cancelling headphones while I attempt to soothe my screaming baby.  My life is completely different than it was before.  And it's hard.  And I'm tempted to throw in the towel.  But I have been blessed with this beautiful baby boy.  The one with the perfect features and tiny limbs.  An adorable mix of his mom and dad.  And as I type this I am crying hysterically verging on tears as I try to wrap my head around the depth of my love for him. 

Aaron James Luke.  November 7th, 2017.  6 lbs 4 oz.  18.5 inches.  Oh, my heart.