Monday, February 25, 2013

Holding out for Spring!

Ok, soooooo it's still winter.  Which is horrible.  But the good news is, there is really only a month (might be a tad bit optimistic but just humor me) left of official winter weather, and Blue Jays Baseball Spring Training has started, so Spring can't be THAT far away!!  Woohoo!!  I'm holding out for Spring!!  Spring is such a magical time - utter relief from the frigid temperatures, ability to again get back to outdoor activities without your skin falling off, the start of baseball, fishing, going on long walks, hearing birds chirping, warm sunshine, and all sorts of other wonderful activities!  GET EXCITED!!

So, the only photo-worthy event that happens in February is Valentines Day!!  Andee and I celebrated with some practical and needed gifts (my favourite!)  Andee got me a dishwasher-safe travel mug/canister so I can stop refilling plastic water bottles from the church, and a leopard print bath mat to replace the dollar-store towel in our bathroom - 2 items I have been wanting for many months but was too "frugal" (cheap) to buy!  Oh, Medical School living!  He also got me a Reese Peanut-Butter Heart - yum!!  I got Andee something we have been looking for for almost a year - the Forever Comfy - a super comfortable cushion to put on top of a not-so-comfortable chair!  That is indeed what my skinny Husband has been looking for all this time!  I also made him a pop-up card, and got some Valentines Day themed balloons from Dollar Tree, because I drove by and saw everyone coming out of the store with them, and I couldn't resist!  We then headed to Red Lobster for Dinner, which is a huge treat for us!  Red Lobster is seriously the best, I would eat there every day if I could!  Andee ordered shrimp pasta and crabs legs, and I ordered a 4-course meal (a special!) that included  clam chowder, caesar salad, garlic shrimp, and a hot brownie with ice-cream!  And of course, unlimited cheddar baked biscuits!  THE BEST!  A wonderful Valentine's Day!!

So now that Andee is back to his happy baseball self with Spring Training underway, I am happily back to work doing something I really love, and Easter coming up very soon, it is a great time to celebrate!  And let's not forget, we are coming HOME TO CANADA in March!  Let's recap this story!

Andee and I needed to return home to Canada to renew our American visas and attend a couple Doctor appointments (with free healthcare!) on the weekend of March 9th.  We had no idea what kind of time off Andee would be allowed, since he just last week started a new rotation.  However, we really needed to make the trip, so we accepted the fact that we might be driving home on Saturday morning, and driving back on Monday afternoon, leaving only a day to enjoy Canada.  However, when Andee started this new rotation, the Doctor immediately announced that the students had Friday the 8th off, because he was not working that day!  In addition to that amazing detail, this new rotation allows for Andee to have Thursdays off, every other Saturday off, and optional Mondays that can be alternated with the other student.  Which means, drumroll please....................that Andee and I will be heading back THURSDAY morning, and heading back Monday afternoon!  Which gives us 3 whole days, an evening, and a morning to enjoy Home!!  So this "Visa and Dr. appointments" trip has now turned into a mini vacation!  So exciting!!  God is Good!  He definitely orchestrated this plan from the beginning - what are the chances he would have those exact days off??  Amazing!!  We are also planning on bringing back our cute little kitty for a visit home as well!  He will get to meet (and be mauled by) my family, and my big kitty, Mr Purr!!  YAY!!

Speaking of my little Aloe cat, I would like to take this oppourtunity to post some cute pictures!  Nothing says "it's winter and nothing happens worthy of photos ops" than pictures of my cat!  More photos on my and Andee's phones that I will be adding at a later blog!  Enjoy!

Well, that is about it for now!  We are super excited for our trip home, and for all the amazing things God is doing here!  Lots of exams on the way for Andee, and lots of Easter preparations for me at work!  Exciting stuff!  We will see all you Canadians on March 7th!!!


  1. Aloe looks so cute in your Valentines Day "Family" photo.
    Yes, I hope that spring comes really soon too!!!
    See you on March 9th ish

    Love Mom

  2. Mr Purr can hardly wait to meet your families new addition!
