Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Pregnancy.  What a beautiful, creative idea constructed by God that a woman can carry their child with them for months before they get to meet them.  That God is forming a perfect little person inside of you while you just go about your daily life.  That you can feel them move, and they can hear you speak before they join you on the outside.  It's incredible and nothing short of a miracle, and I truly believe all of this to be true.

But sometimes miracles just don't feel all warm and fuzzy.  Sometimes they are hard, and sometimes they are painful, and sometimes The Fall of man into sin impacts you so directly that it makes you angry that the fruit just looked so good.  And sometimes I am dramatic and like to use words on a page to at least try to explain a little of what I'm feeling.  It's therapeutic.  And at eight months pregnant, this could indeed be one of those times.  Pregnancy is not for the faint of heart, and although I can readily admit that I know many women that had far more severe pregnancy symptoms than I (and I am filled with a newfound empathy for them), I was incredibly naive to the struggles of growing a human.  Third trimester is uncomfortable, painful, and exhausting on a physical, mental, and emotional level, and I am both incredibly ready for it to be over as well as need much more time.

I have 5 weeks to go.  It seems both way too short and way too long at the same time.  Way too short because I haven't completed my baby to-do list and feel mentally and spiritually ill-prepared to be a mom.  Way too long because of the persistent pain and discomfort that is currently every minute of every day.  Pregnancy is not for the weak!

And although I feel weak and incapable, and fearful, and uncomfortable, I refuse to let that define me.  I am not weak because I have the strength of God.  I am not incapable because God will equip me with everything I need to raise a child in His love.  I have no need to be fearful because the God of the Universe has not given me a spirit of fear or timidity, but of power, of love, and of self-control.  And in my discomfort I both share in the suffering of Christ (in a very small way), and also receive God's comfort and the comfort of others.

And let's not forget that it's not all for nothing.  At the end of this pregnancy journey comes a little person - a sweet little boy that I can feel inside me that will soon join our family.  A beautiful, terrifying gift from God.  I know it will be hard.  But despite the enemy and honestly my own best efforts to sabotage with fear and lies, I am truly excited to meet him.  And I trust that my God will give me everything I need to raise His child.  It's going to be a wild ride!!

So, in case you are interested, a compilation of pregnancy related photos - starring, Baby Luke!  Also included are maternity photo shoot photos and the obligatory 'bump' photos!  Watch Baby Luke and I grow!  Enjoy!

Pregnancy Announcement 
Gender Reveal
1st Timester
3rd Trimester
Baby Shower One
Baby Shower Two
Baby Shower Three
Baby Shower Four
Halloween Pumpkin Patch
 Baby Bump Photos

Maternity Photo Shoot


  1. Well said, Diana. No one goes into this knowing exactly what is in store for them, everyone is different. But the joys that await....like nothing you will ever know. :-) God bless you both.

  2. How profoundly stated. Your beautiful. Ive never met two sweeter people. With your heart and knd gental souls to care for him , baby Luke is going to be truly blessed and loved. What a lucky little boy. And he has a big fur sister! Much love , peace and light coming your way!

  3. He's going to be super cute xo excited to meet him!
