Friday, July 1, 2016

Spring and Summer in Iowa!

Since we returned home from Canada after Cassie and Trevor's wedding, a lot has gone on here in Iowa!  With the weather quickly transitioning from Winter straight into a balmy Spring and early Summer, we have enjoyed the great weather and great friends here in Iowa!  Here's a look at some of my favourite parts of the last couple months! 

As you know, I have had a blast serving on Worship Team for the past couple years here at PLC.  What you may not know (or you might, probably you already know) is that Andee has recently joined me on the weekends to sing on the team!  With the business of Residency, this young Doctor decided that he wanted to do something that brought him some joy in the midst of all the work.  And he has done a phenomenal job of jumping in and representing Christ through singing some beautiful harmonies!  And the best part is that we get to do it together!

Another favourite that I just love to talk about is our sweet girl, Vera!  Since the last time I wrote, Miss Vera has grown quite a bit, and has almost doubled her little kitten size!  Sometimes though, she forgets that she has grown; and the results are hilarious!  Our little girl loves to hang out on Andee's shoulders when he comes home from work, and prefers to sleep on the top cabinets of our kitchen.  However, with Vera's newfound chubbiness, she is now unable to make it to her favourite spot on top of the cabinets, and has had to settle for a lesser, more spacious spot.  It's hysterical to her try to squeeze in.  Poor kitty.  I guess we all fight the battle of the bulge!

A lot of people have been complaining about the heat and humidity lately, but if you know me at all, you know this is my favourite!  HHH (hazy, hot and humid) days just allow for more oppourtunites to spend time at the pool and beach, which Andee and I have taken advantage of!  I can only coerce a few friends to join me at the beach (all Canadians, apparently we love the beach), as the others are not a fan of the sticky hot weather.  At least us Canadians can enjoy it!  George Wyth beach and my favourite lane swimming pool have seen a lot of me lately, and I will continue to go until the weather forces me away!  Beach Bum for life!!

Andee and I also recently had the oppourtunity to see an incredible vocalist/worship leader/musician Danny Gokey!  He originally had his start on American Idol, and had actually lost his wife about a month before his audition.  He now uses his amazing gift for music to impact so many lives with encouragement to know that there is hope in the midst of suffering, and he has a first hand account of this.  Also, his vocal abilities are absolutely phenominal, and we were even able to get a picture and signed book with Danny Gokey after the concert was over!  Such a fun evening!

We were also able to celebrate friends on their new engagements and marriages!  With our Small Group, we celebrated Juan and Nicole's marriage with a wedding shower, and they were recently married in Michigan.  With Andee's Residency friends, we celebrated Eman and her wedding reception.  So great to celebrate with friends!

Speaking of celebrations, Andee and I joined the Third Year Residents as they celebrated their completion of the Northeast Iowa Family Medicine Residency Program!  The struggle is real - and were they ever excited to be moving on to their next adventures!  It was great to see the Residency crew, hear about their quirky personalities, and to dress up and be served a delicious dinner and dessert!  A good time was had by all!

This past weekend was the Sturgis Falls Festival, an annual event in Cedar Falls with live music, fried food, craft booths, rides, games, and a parade!  A few of us attended the parade on Saturday morning, and despite the incredibly hot temperatures, had a good time!  And guess who held a Worship Service at the festival?  Prairie Lakes Church!  I was a part of the Worship Team for this event, and though it was yet another sticky hot day, there were quite a few people that made it out to the outdoor service!  It was really fun to do something like this out in the community, and only in Iowa would there be that much worship music at a public event!  I love it!

So there you have it - fun in the sun in Iowa!  In the daily routine of life, Andee has remained pretty busy at work, but we've come to expect this after two years of residency.  Can you believe it has been two years already?  Today, July 1st (Canada Day!), Andee will officially be in his last year of residency!  Can I get an Amen!?  So as we and all our Canadians celebrate Canada, we will also be celebrating Andee's hard work and tenacity in transitioning into a Third-Year Resident!  Let the Senior-itis begin! 

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