Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Holiday Blog

It seems I have not posted a blog since before American Thanksgiving!  So, here is my holiday blog!

Back in late November, we were invited to Kyla and Paul's Thanksgiving with their family.  Nice Americans inviting us to their festivities!  Andee was supposed to work all day Thursday, but ended up arriving home at 9am - just in time for the Macy's Day parade!  I guess no one wanted to be in the hospital for the holidays!  All three men at the lunch were on-call, and no one was called in!  A Thanksgiving Miracle!

We were also invited to a couple Holiday parties in December!  We celebrated with some of the Residents at Paul and Rachel's place, and the PLC staff at the church!  I always appreciate when people take the time to plan out a fun celebration for all their friends and family to enjoy!

I also received a wonderful Christmas gift from my parents - a new Keyboard!!  Now that I have a piano in the apartment, all I do is play and sing!  It is so much fun!!

The best part of this Holiday season is that Andee and I were able to drive home for Christmas!  We traveled 12 hours each way with a very uneasy kitty, but as long as he was sitting near us, he was happy and sleepy!  I love my Aloe Cat!

Andee was able to take a half day on the Friday before his vacation week, which left just enough time to make it home for Christmas with my Dad's side of the family!  It was great to see everyone all in one place - Christmas is wonderful like that!

We were also able to get together with our High School friends that we love!  Everyone was somehow free on the same day at the same time.....a Christmas Miracle!  Since 4 of us are living outside of Canada for the most part, it was really great to see everyone!

We spent Christmas Eve Dinner at Jamie and Tiffany's place in Toronto!  Delicious food was everywhere, and we got to hang out with some family that we hadn't seen in a while!  Excellent!  We were also able to spend Boxing Day Dinner with Andee's family, and more delicious food was had by all!  We gave and received some nice gifts too!

We were also able to spend Christmas morning with my family, and Christmas Dinner with my Mom's side of the family!  Again, everyone was in one place at the same time!  So great!  We opened some fun gifts, had a delicious Christmas breakfast and a delicious peameal roll dinner!  I love my family, and I am so happy that we were able to see everyone this Christmas!!

We also made a pit stop on our way back to Iowa to Route 80 World's Largest Truck Stop!  We got some food, and looked around at all the fun trucker stuff, including a huge truck inside!  Fun!

And of course, no blog of mine would be complete without a plethora of adorable cat pictures!  Also included is me and a leopard Christmas Tree.  Perfect!!!  I know you were anxiously awaiting them, so here they are!!

The kitties also received surprise gifts from Aunt Nancy - Cat tents!  They seems interested, so we let them try them out.  Aloe cat quite enjoyed his cave.....and then Mr. Purr.....well, see for yourself!  Enjoy!

Well, it is now New Years Eve, and we have safely made it back to Iowa!  Speaking of safety, I am filled with joy at the wonderful plan God had us on this year in 2014, and the assurance and safety we have when we rest in His will!  There have been so many blessings for Andee and I this year, that I will definitely miss some, but here is a brief list of all the major blessings that God has given us this year!  Be warned, this year has been AMAZING and so filled with God's faithfulness!!

  • Finding peace in God's will during the Residency Application and Interview process
  • Andee matching at Northeast Iowa Family Residency Program
  • Having over a month off to visit Home in Canada
  • Andee Graduating from Medical School and a Family trip to New York
  • An "all expenses paid" Family Graduation trip to Mexico 
  • A smooth transition moving from Illinois to Iowa
  • A much simpler Visa application process
  • Finding a wonderful Church and Apartment in Iowa 
  • Getting a work permit after 4 years of volunteering
  • Andee and I both making actual money
  • Finding a paid position at Prairie Lakes Church and being part of the Worship Team 
  • Andee and I being treated amazingly at our jobs
  • Able to travel home for Christmas 
  • An increase in our faith and our desire to trust and follow God's will for us....because He is good and He is faithful!!

WoW!  We are truly blessed!!  May your New Year be filled with many blessings!  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I really enjoy your blog! I'm a UMHS student from Canada and would be starting my clinical rotations soon in Georgia. I recently got married and my husband is considering joining me in the US. As a Canadian, I wanted to know what visa did you apply for seeing that you were traveling with your husband? I know you did a lot of volunteering, but do you know if its possible to work while you have a visa in the US? I would appreciate any advice you have. Congratulations to you and your husband for making it this far! God bless!
