Saturday, June 1, 2013

Impromtu Canadian Vacation!

If you are caught up on my last blog, we were totally unsure about the aftermath of our apartment flooding, and if or when we would be able to move back.  Since then (and take this with a grain of salt, because, well, you never really know with us) you all will be happy (maybe?) to hear that our apartment had given us a move-in date of June 15th!  If this date holds true, it will be just about two whole months of being unable to live in our home.  But by this point, we were just glad to be given any date at all!  In the meantime, since Andee had a gap in his Clinical Rotations schedule, we decided to take an impromptu trip back to Canada for a visit!  We were unsure how long we would be staying, taking it one week at a time, and searching for an elective rotation possibly in Canada.  We ended up staying three whole weeks with my parents, and obtaining a three week rotation back in Illinois for Andee before his twelve week surgery rotation.  We are also so grateful to be staying with Amy and Joe again for the next two weeks until our apartment is ready for us.  We'll take it!!  A little bit of certainty amidst all the organizational and moving chaos that is Medical School is always appreciated!  So without further ado, CANADA!!

Since the trip was, for the most part, rather unplanned, the only people that knew we were coming were my parents.  With this information kept mostly under wraps to my fellow Canadians, we were able to surprise a few friends and family members including my sister Cassie and her boyfriend Trevor, Andee's parents, and our best friends Dave and Arielle!  We also saw lots of family and friends throughout the trip, but since we didn't really know when we were heading back, we weren't able to get to everyone!  However, we did end up with a bunch of great pictures, and a lot of great memories!

With the beautiful Spring/Summer weather arriving, we hit up one of our favorite Ajax outdoor activities - Lynde Shores; a nature trail filled with geese, ducks, chipmunks, squirrels, racoons, blue jays, birds, and many other critters that will take food straight from your hands!  It was great!  See for yourself!!

We also visited my all time favorite summer spot - my Parent's cottage!!  We got in some beach time, warm sunshine, hanging out with lots of family including Aunts, Uncles and cousins, a family and a cousins bonfire, and of course, night fishing for the boys!  And boy, did they ever catch some amazing fish!  I suppose 3 full days and nights of fishing is bound to produce some results!

We were also able to hang out with our good friends, and really enjoy spending time with our families!  And this time, Aloe was much quicker to remember and befriend Mr. Purr, leading to many cute encounters and of course, pictures!

We just arrived back in Illinois only a few hours ago, and are "settling in" nicely back at Joe and Amy's.  Aloe too!  Only a few hisses!  We really do enjoy staying with our amazing friends, but are also excited to be reunited with our beloved apartment - and all the amenities it offers in the summer!  Get ready for an outdoor, activity filled summer!  I will conclude this entry with the cutest picture ever of the cutest cat ever....did I just type that?  Yes.  I did.  Enjoy!


  1. I miss you Aloe...

    Love Mr. Purr

  2. Ummm..I just noticed that one friend is missing from the mentions in this blog!
    Otherwise, great blog and that is the cutest pic ever of Aloe!!

    1. I didn't get a pic of you and me :( The blog suffered!
